Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween is Today!!!

Hey everyone!!! Merry Halloween!!! I'm here in my classroom, having a little party here while blogging. I'm going to have more parties every period I go to today. In my opinion, I think Halloween is the sweetest holiday of the year. (not the best, but sweet, like sugar) What is your opinion about Halloween?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween!!! >w<

Halloween is almost up!!! You better get a costume before it sells out of party city!!! Have a Halloween party, go to a a dance, or do the old-fashioned trick-or-treat to each door of your neighborhood. What are you going to be? A witch? A vampire? A skeleton? or a Devil? You choose. Post your comments what you're going to be and what you're going to be for Halloween.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Affirmative Action, fair or unfair?

I'm on for affirmative action because I believe that people around me as well as me should be able to get to access a good eduction. It is unfair to get a bad education just because of race, skin color, sex, religions, and beliefs. People should know how to accept each other equally, and get a good education as well as natives to the U.S. What do you think about it?

Monday, October 27, 2008

No on Prop 8! >o<

In my opinion, I want same-sex marriages to stay here in California. People shall not be striped of rights to marry the people of whom they love really much. Their hearts will be broken, and will have them keep thinking about the issue about it. I know that I am straight, but I support gay marriages, because I care for the people around me of whom I know and love (as a friend), and who they love as a soul mate. The school doesn't EVEN relate to the point of love and marriage. People learn that on when they experience love later on in their lives. It seems wrong to see that child acting as if she heard that. Shame on the producer or whatever who made that commercial. Vote no on Prop 8!